Monthly Archives: March 2014


Try to get the child’s room in order before turning your attention to the rest of the house.  Also maintain your usual routine of meals, bedtime, etc. to give kids a sense of familiarity.  Probably go along with child to new school and meet teachers and principal.  Often takes 6 weeks (more or less) to get adjusted to a new school.  A move presents challenges, but good things can happen, like you become closer together and learn more about each other.  THIS CAN BE AN EXCITING PART OF THE WHOLE FAMILY’S LIFE!!



Some teens actively rebel against a move as they have invested considerable energy in a particular social group and may have a romantic relationship.  Could miss a long-awaited event, like as a prom.  Listen to the teen, but show this is preparing them for future changes, such as college or a new job.  After the move, consider planning a visit back to the old neighborhood, if feasible.  Also, see if the teen can return  for events such as a prom or homecoming.  If moving during the school year,  might let an older teen stay at the old location with a friend or relative, if that’s an option.  FINAL WRAP-UP IN A FEW DAYS.


Kids in this age group are relatively open to a move.  2 schools on “right time to move”:  (1) some say summer because it avoids disrupting the school year, but (2) others say midyear is better because your child can meet other kids right away.  Gather any information new school will need such as recent report card, birth certificate and medical records.  Taking the child to visit the school as you move is a good idea.



Kids under 6 may be the easiest to move, as they have limited capacity to understand the changes involved. (1) keep explanations clear & simple, (2) use a story to explain the move OR use toy trucks & furniture to act it out, (3)  when you pack toddler’s toys in boxes, explain NOT being thrown out, (4)  If new home is nearby & vacant, go for a visit before the move and take a few toys over each time, (5)  hold off getting rid of child’s old bedroom furniture, which may provide a sense of comfort in the new house & arrange in a similar way in the new bedroom, (6)  avoid big changes during the move, such as toilet training or moving from a crib to a bed and (7)  arrange for the pre-schooler to stay with a babysitter on moving day.


Disruptive as moving is for parents, it can be more traumatic for kids, who are not part of the decision and might not understand it.  Kids need time and attention.  If the family has had a major life change, such as death or divorce you may want to wait for kids to adjust .  The moving decision may be out of your hands, but even though you are unhappy, maintain a positive attitude.  Adults moods can greatly affect children.  No matter what the circumstances, the most IMPORTANT WAY TO PREPARE KIDS TO MOVE IS TO TALK ABOUT IT.  Involve the kids in the planning as much as possible, in the house-hunting process or search for a new school.  Then they do not feel forced.  If moving across town, take kids to visit the new house and explore the new neighborhood.  For distance moves go to the Internet.  MORE TO COME!

LAST ‘WRITES’ – end-of-life decisions – part 6

ANATOMICAL DONATIONS – lengthy statute called REVISED UNIFORM ANATOMICAL GIFT ACT.  4 ways to make an anatomical gift:  (1) on driver’s license or ID card;  (2)  in donor’s last will and testament;  (3) statements addressed to at least 2 adult witnesses, one of whom is disinterested;  or (4)  statements or symbols signed by donor indicating an anatomical gift has been placed on a donor registry.  The statute prohibits a person from knowingly purchasing or selling body parts for transplantation or therapy.   However a reasonable charge can be made to remove, process, preserve, quality control, storage, transportation, implanting or disposal of an anatomical gift.  Complicated process so look at the statute carefully.


LAST ‘WRITES’ – end-of-life decisions –

MEDICAL POWERS OF ATTORNEY (MPOA) permits another individual to make medical decisions on your behalf when you become incompetent.  Two prescribed forms must be done:  DISCLOSURE STATEMENT, must be read and understood before the 2nd, the actual MPOA, is read and signed.  After signing a MPOA, you can continue to make health care decisions as long as you are competent.  You can also designate alternate agent (s) and to limit the duration of the power granted.  You need a termination date or the Power of Attorney exists indefinitely from the date it is signed.  When inserting a termination date and you are incompetent when the MPOA expires, the agent’s authority continues until you become competent, if ever.

LAST ‘WRITES’ – end-of-life decisions – part 3

LIVING WILLS or DIRECTIVES TO WITHOLD LIFE-SUPPORT DEVICES, do not delegate your health care decisions to others, but relieve others from having to make them on your behalf.  It is to help you communicate your wishes about medical treatment if you cannot communicate your wishes about medical treatment at such time in the future when ill or injured.  Two scenarios:  (1)  TERMINAL CONDITION and expected to die within 6 months (a)  only what is necessary to keep your comfortable and (b) use life-sustaining treatment to keep you alive.  (2) is IRREVERSIBLE CONDITION as you cannot make decisions for yourself, there are 2 options.  All of this IS complicated and you need an attorney to get the proper papers ready and signed and notarized for you while  you are able to do all this, WHICH IS NOW!


LAST ‘WRITES’ – end-of-life decisions – part 2

POWERS OF ATTORNEY grant to another person the authority to manage your assets, etc.  You decide how long to serve and scope of authority.  Must be someone you trust implicitly, although they must serve in your best  interest.  Remains in effect, unless given an ending date.  Another benefit is avoiding the court appointing a guardian once you become incompetent.  If the court appoints a PERMANENT guardian, then the Durable Power of Attorney terminates.  Must decide on a GENERAL Power of Attorney or SPECIFIC Power of Attorney.  The Promulgated Statutory Durable Power of Attorney Form must be signed in front of a NOTARY and is at


LAST ‘WRITES’ – end-of-life decisions – part 1

For critical documents need to be in place before they are needed and are (1) Powers of Attorney, (2) Living Wills, (3) Medical Powers of Attorney, (4) Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orders and (5) Anatomical Gifts and a (6) one that has recently come along the Out-of-Hospital DNR Orders.  Numbers (4) and (6) deal with orders to NOT resuscitate – one for in the hospital and the other out-of-hospital.  Each one of these will be discussed in detail in upcoming blogs.  These all need to be put in place LONG BEFORE THEY ARE ACTUALLY NEEDED!