(1) WORK. Children need to feel the emotional connection between work & money. Might pay kids commissions, not allowances. Then they will learn if they work, they get paid & if they don’t they won’t. (2) SAVE . Teach your children early on to sock away funds for future purchases. If they save up for a Barbie today, then they can save up for a car later on. (3) SPEND. Let them experience the awesome feeling of buying something they’ve saved up for. If all the money in the piggy bank is held, they will never enjoy it and grow up to be misers or rebels & spend too much. (4) GIVE. Demonstrate that giving is the most fun they can have with their money. Just make sure it is their money. He needs to know how it feels to take the coin out of his own pocket. Some churches practice tithing or giving a tenth & a good place to teach.