(1) BOULEVARD owners can head straight to the bank. (2) PLACE perchers are more likely to turn a profit. (3) ROAD warriors are living richer. BOULEVARD homes brought more money while the cheapest are those on STREET. About a 36% price difference! Homes on a ROAD sell for 8% to 9% more than homes on COURT & CIRCLE. BOULEVARD has only 2% of total listings while 22% of listings are located on a DRIVE. NEXT is street with 19%, ROAD at 16% & AVENUE with 15%. So back to the original question, which is more expensive Wisteria Lane or Sesame Street? Based on market analysis, the price per square foot of Cookie Monster’s home could be 17% cheaper than the other one. Cash left over to buy cookies! Cookies!! Cookies!!! Incidentially BOULEVARD locations are often apartments and condos.