— PART 3

KITCHEN – (1)  Are cabinets too high or low?  (2)  Is there clutter on countertops & throughout the kitchen?  Are pathways obstructed?  (3)  Adequate lighting for cooking?  (4)  Dangerous chemicals & cleaning materials secure?  (5)  Is the floor slippery?  (6)  Is there spoiled food in the frig?  (7)  Is emergency contact information within easy access?  (8)  Is the senior at risk of  harming herself with sharp utensil or by causing a fire?  GARAGE (1)  Do the stairs into the garage have secure railings?  (2)  Is trash piling up?  (3)  Are power tools and lawn chemicals secure?  (4)  Is the garage secure?  FINISH WITH PART 4 IN A DAY OR 2.